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Plans for big Blandtown build near Beltline come into clearer focus

Alongside nearly 850 residences, Huber West Midtown project slated to feature retail after all

January 23, 2025, 12:36PM | Josh Green

Filings made this month at the state level paint a clearer picture of what a sizable development could bring to a growing area west of Midtown—and when.

The mixed-use Blandtown project, called Huber West Midtown, would deliver nearly 850 multifamily units across 9 acres on several properties spanning between 1575 and 1593 Huber St.

The site is adjacent to active railroad lines, just east of Topgolf Atlanta, Ellsworth Industrial Boulevard, and businesses such as Scope Fine Art and Steady Hand Beer Co. A new segment of the Atlanta Beltline’s 22-mile loop is under construction roughly a block south.

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Source: Urbanize Atlanta

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